When does a hand begin?


WSOP 2024 Live Action Rules
#51 – A request for a ruling must be made prior to the start of the next hand or before the game either ends or changes to another table. Otherwise, the result of the prior hand will stand. The first riffle of the shuffle marks the start for a deal. On tables with shuffle machines the start of a new deal is once the button has been pushed on the shuffle machine. However, in the event that a possible house error occurred, a supervisor will make all necessary efforts to correct the outcome of the hand in question, even is the mistake is brought to light after the next hand has begun.

Players can take their chips

The house is not responsible for chips left at the table unattended. While we will do our best to maintain security, it is the player’s responsibility to secure their chips. Therefore, players may remove tehri chips when stepping away from the table.


WSOP 2024 Live Action Rules
#57 – Chips may be removed for security purposes when leaving the table. The establishment is not responsible for any shortage or removal of chips
left on the table during a participant’s absence, even though we will try to protect everyone as best we can. All removed funds must be fully
restored when returning to the game.

Cash in the game

There are several ways casinos handle “cash in the game”, depending on the casino and the locality / jurisdiction that the game is playing in. Traditionally, cash simply “plays” in the game. However, due to money laundering regulations, many casinos require players to exchange the cash for chips in order to play.

Most casinos allow for cash to play temporarily. That is, until the casino personnel change up the cash for chips. The dealer can announce “cash plays” for a player who has cash on the table, and “cash behind” to represent a player who has given his cash to the brush, and is awaiting the chips to come from the cage.


WSOP 2024 Live Action Rules
#55 – Cash does not play and is not permitted to remain on the table as any part of a participant’s stakes. If a participant is buying into a game, re-buying, or adding stakes to an existing buy-in, this participant must proceed to the WSOP Live-Action cage to purchase chips.

Table Stakes

All games are table stakes. A player may go “all in” if the bet exceeds the amount of chips they have in play. Players may not add chips in the middle of a hand.


WSOP 2024 Live Action Rules
#60 – All games are table stakes unless otherwise posted. Only the chips in front of a participant at the start of a deal may play for that hand.
Awareness of the amount in play for each opponent is an important part of poker. Players must always keep their higher denomination chips
visible and identifiable.

Stacks and Table Transfers

Players may not move between tables without permission from the floorperson. Players moving between tables must take all their chips to the other table, and may not remove any chips from play. Players moving from broken tables games and must moves games must bring their entire stacks with them. Players must sit out of a game for one hour to be considered a “new player”.


WSOP 2024 Live Action Rules
#59 – If you transfer tables and go to the same game you must bring your full stack with you. If a game has a maximum buy-in, voluntary table
transfers will not be allowed to a new game within the first hour if you exceed the maximum buy in for the game.

No rat holes

Once in play, players may not remove chips from the games until they cash out. If a player returns to the same game within one hour of cashing out, they must return with all their chips.


WSOP 2024 Live Action Rules
#58 – If you return to the same game within one hour of cashing out, your buy-in must be equal to the amount removed when leaving that game.

Playing over is allowed

Playing over is allowed with floor supervisor’s permission. This means that another player plays with their own chips in another player’s chair. The participant will be allowed to play until his or her blind upon the initial participant returning to the game. A plastic cover may be used to cover the player who is sitting out’s chips.


WSOP 2024 Live Action Rules
#64. Playing over is allowed with floor supervisor’s permission. The participant will be allowed to play until his or her blind upon the initial participant returning to the game. Note: If in a time collection game, time will be collected from both the play over and the participant being played over.

No one is allowed to play another participant’s chips

No player may play someone else’s chips. Players cannot give their seats to another person. Players may not transfer chips between each other.


WSOP 2024 Live Action Rules
#63. No one is allowed to play another participant’s chips.